Kaizen Fistula Care

How to prevent Anorectal Fistula after Abscess

Anorectal fistulas can develop as a complication of an anorectal abscess. These concerns can be painful and disruptive to day-to-day life if not addressed effectively. Understanding the preventive measures can significantly decrease the risk of this complication and encourage a smoother recovery process. In this blog, Kaizen Fistula Care‘s Fistula Specialists Dr. Samart Jankar, shares some preventive measures and techniques to minimize the likelihood of this complication.

Understanding Anorectal Abscess and Fistula:

Anorectal abscesses normally happen due to bacterial infection in the anal glands or crypts, leading to the formation of a painful, puffy lump near the anus. If left untreated, the abscess can rupture and form an abnormal tunnel, known as a fistula, between the anal canal and the skin surrounding the anus. Fistulas often result in ongoing drainage, discomfort, and recurrent infections.

Here are some essential strategies and tips on how to prevent anorectal fistula after an abscess:

  1. Timely Treatment of Anal Abscess: Immediate medical attention is crucial when dealing with anal abscesses. Delaying treatment can improve the risk of complications, including the formation of a fistula. If you experience symptoms like swelling, redness, pain, or fever near your anus, consult with Dr. Samrat Janakr immediately.
  2. Maintain Good Anal Hygiene: Practicing good anal hygiene is essential for preventing recurrent abscesses and reducing the risk of fistula formation. This contains maintaining the anal area clean and dry, using gentle, unscented soap during bathing, and gently patting the area dry after washing. Avoid aggressive wiping or the use of harsh chemicals, as these can upset the skin and delay healing.
  3. Avoid Trauma to the Anal Region: Trauma to the anal region can aggravate existing abscesses or contribute to the evolution of new ones. Individuals should avoid activities that could cause trauma, such as vigorous anal intercourse, extreme straining during bowel motions, or using rough toilet paper.
  4. Avoidance of Constipation: Constipation can exacerbate pain and strain the anal region, potentially interfering with the recovery process. Stay hydrated, consume fiber-rich foods, and, if required, use stool softeners as recommended by your healthcare provider to control constipation.
  5. Complete Drainage of the Abscess: Confirm that the abscess is thoroughly drained during medical intervention. Incomplete drainage can lead to the formation of a fistula as it creates a path for infection to persist.
  6. Proper Wound Care: Follow the healthcare provider’s instructions meticulously about wound care post-drainage. Keeping the area clean and dry, as well as applying specified medicines or dressings, can stimulate healing and lower the chance of complications.
  7. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Embracing a healthy lifestyle can contribute to overall well-being and help in the prevention of anorectal fistulas. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding habits like smoking can promote better immune function and improve the body’s ability to heal.
  8. Awareness of Symptoms: Stay alert for any symptoms that may indicate the development of a fistula, such as ongoing drainage from the abscess site, frequent pain or swelling, or the presence of a lump near the anus. Promptly report any concerning signs to your healthcare provider for evaluation and management.
  9. Manage Underlying Conditions: Addressing underlying conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease, or diabetes, can improve the risk of developing anorectal abscesses and fistulas. Managing these conditions effectively through medication, lifestyle changes, and regular medical care can help lower the chance of complications.
  10. Follow-up Care: After undergoing treatment for an anorectal abscess, it’s crucial to follow up with a healthcare provider as planned. Regular follow-up appointments allow healthcare specialists to monitor healing, address any concerns or complications promptly, and modify treatment plans if necessary.

Additional tips:

  1. Sitz baths: Warm sitz baths can assist, encourage, and ease discomfort when soaked multiple times a day.
  2. Loose clothing: Wear loose-fitting, breathable garments to prevent irritation.
  3. Manage stress: Chronic stress can weaken the immune system and potentially enhance the risk of infections.


Preventing anorectal fistula after an abscess needs a combination of timely medical intervention, proper wound care, and healthy lifestyle practices. By following these basic strategies and tips, people can minimize the risk of complications and promote a smoother recovery process.

If you suspect you have an anorectal abscess or are experiencing symptoms suggestive of a fistula, don’t hesitate to consult with our fistula specialist in Pune, Dr. Samrat Jankar. Early intervention is key to successful treatment and prevention of complications.