Kaizen Fistula Care

Benefits of the Fistula Plug Procedure

Benefits of the Fistula Plug Procedure

When dealing with a fistula, choosing the right treatment option is important for effective healing and long-term relief. The Fistula Plug Procedure, a specialized treatment

Traditional vs. Modern Approaches to Fistula Treatment

Traditional vs. Modern Approaches to Fistula Treatment

Fistulas can be complex and challenging conditions, requiring effective treatment strategies to provide complete healing and prevent recurrence.

14 Reasons Why You Should Choose Laser Treatment Over Conventional Surgery for Fistula

14 Reasons Why You Should Choose Laser Treatment Over Conventional Surgery for Fistula

Fistula, an abnormal connection between two body parts, often causes discomfort and pain. While conventional surgery has been a common method of treating fistulas

Fistula Surgery Recovery Tips: How to Heal Faster

Fistula Surgery Recovery Tips: How to Heal Faster

Fistula surgery can be a daunting experience, but with the right care and guidance, your recovery can be smooth and swift. Dr. Samrat Jankar,

Why choose a specialist to treat your fistula?

Why choose a specialist to treat your fistula?

An anorectal fistula is a complex condition that needs specialized care for effective treatment and long-term management. Choosing the right specialist can significantly impact the outcome of treatment and provide comprehensive care tailored to individual needs. At Kaizen Fistula Care, Dr. Samrat Jankar is the best fistula surgeon in Pune, Maharashtra, offering advanced treatment options […]

Why Female Fistula are Complex Fistula

Why Female Fistula are Complex Fistula

Dr. Samrat Jankar, a leading Fistula Surgeon in Pune at Kaizen Fistula Care Clinic, sheds light on why female fistulas present unique challenges and the comprehensive approach required to address them effectively.

The Role of LIFT Procedure in Complex Anal Fistula Cases

The Role of LIFT Procedure in Complex Anal Fistula Cases

Anal fistulas are a challenging and often debilitating disorder that affects many people. They can significantly affect a patient’s quality of life, causing pain, and discomfort, and sometimes leading to more severe complications.

Common Symptoms and How to Identify Piles, Fissures, and Fistulas

Common Symptoms and How to Identify Piles, Fissures, and Fistulas

Understanding and identifying piles, fissures, and fistulas is important for early diagnosis and treatment. These conditions, affecting the anal and rectal areas, can significantly impact one’s quality of life.

Common Symptoms of Anorectal Fistula: Don’t Ignore These Signs

Common Symptoms of Anorectal Fistula: Don’t Ignore These Signs

Anorectal fistula, though often ignored, can cause significant discomfort and distress if left untreated. Ignoring the symptoms can lead to complications and worsen the condition.

Colorectal Surgeon vs. Gastroenterologist: Who Should You See For Anal Fistula Treatment?

Colorectal Surgeon vs. Gastroenterologist: Who Should You See For Anal Fistula Treatment?

When dealing with an anal fistula, knowing which specialist to consult is vital for effective treatment and optimal recovery. Two primary types of specialists often come into consideration: colorectal surgeons and gastroenterologists. At Kaizen Fistula Care Clinic, we understand the importance of making an informed decision, so let’s delve into the roles of these specialists […]

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