Kaizen Fistula Care


If you experience symptoms of the fistula, then you need to visit Kaizen Fistula Care for the Diagnosis of a fistula in Ano. Dr. Samrat Jankar Best Fistula specialist in Pune, India used different method to diagnose the fistula in ano. Diagnosis of a fistula-in-ano involves a combination of clinical evaluation, imaging tests, and sometimes, laboratory tests. It is essential to accurately diagnose fistula-in-ano to ensure appropriate treatment is administered. Here is a closer look at how fistula-in-ano is diagnosed.

Clinical Evaluation:

The first step in the diagnosis of a fistula-in-ano is a thorough clinical evaluation. Dr. Samrat Jankar will take a detailed history of the patient’s symptoms, including the duration and frequency of symptoms. They will then perform a physical examination of the perianal area, which may involve a digital rectal exam to check for any signs of infection or inflammation. During the physical exam, the doctor will look for the presence of a fistula opening, any pus discharge, and any signs of swelling or tenderness. They may also perform an anoscopy, which involves inserting a small instrument into the anus to examine the anal canal.

Diagnosis of a Fistula

Laboratory Tests:

  1. Blood Tests: Blood tests can help determine if there is an infection present in the body. Elevated levels of white blood cells and C-reactive protein (CRP) may indicate the presence of an infection.
  2. Culture and Sensitivity Tests: A sample of the pus or discharge from the fistula may be sent to a laboratory for culture and sensitivity testing. This test can help identify the specific bacteria causing the infection and determine which antibiotics will be most effective in treating it.    

Imaging Tests:

If a fistula-in-ano is suspected based on the clinical evaluation, Then Kaizen Fistula expert Dr. Samart Jankar may order imaging tests to confirm the diagnosis and determine the extent and location of the fistula.

The most commonly used imaging tests for fistula-in-ano include:

i. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): 

MRI is a non-invasive imaging test that uses a powerful magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the body’s internal structures. It is the most accurate imaging test for fistula-in-ano, as it can provide detailed information about the location and extent of the fistula. at kaizen gastro care dr samrat prefer using mri fistulogram as modality  as  MRI fistulogram has  accuracy up to 95% for mapping the fistula tract and identifying internal openings.

ii. Endoanal Ultrasound (EAUS): 

EAUS involves inserting a small ultrasound probe into the anus to obtain images of the anal canal and surrounding tissues. It is a useful tool for detecting the presence of a fistula, as well as determining the depth and location of the fistula tract.

iii. Anal manometry:

“In some cases where the tone of the anal canal is poor or prior surgery has disturbed sphincter integrity, Dr. Samrat may request anal manometry to better assess sphincter tone and the risk of incontinence after surgery.” Anal manometry is a diagnostic test used to evaluate the function and strength of the anal sphincter muscles. By measuring the pressure and muscle activity in the anal canal, anal manometry helps determine the risk of post-surgical incontinence (loss of bowel control) and guides in planning appropriate surgical techniques to minimize the risk of complications.

In conclusion, the diagnosis of a fistula-in-ano involves a combination of clinical evaluation, laboratory tests, anal manometry and imaging tests. Accurately diagnosing the condition is crucial to ensure that appropriate treatment is administered and to prevent complications. If you are experiencing any symptoms of a fistula-in-ano, it is essential to seek medical attention promptly to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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