Kaizen Fistula Care

Dr. Samrat Jankar Speaks at PSS Abbot CME on Fistula in Ano

Dr. Samrat Jankar, a renowned Consultant GI Laparoscopic Surgeon, was honored as a faculty member at the PSS Abbot CME (Continuing Medical Education) event focused on Fistula in Ano. Sharing the stage with Dr. Parvez Sheikh, Dr. Jankar delivered an expert lecture on fistula classification to an audience of over 100 surgeons.

His presentation provided a comprehensive overview of the various classifications of fistulas, offering valuable insights into the nuances of diagnosis and treatment. The lecture was highly appreciated by all in attendance, reflecting Dr. Jankar’s deep expertise and his ability to convey complex surgical concepts with clarity.

Dr. Jankar’s contribution to the CME event not only enhanced the knowledge of the participating surgeons but also underscored his status as a leading authority in the field of fistula treatment. His involvement in such high-profile educational events continues to influence and inspire the surgical community.