Kaizen Fistula Care

FiLaC (Fistula-tract Laser Closure)

Fistula Laser Closure or FiLaC is a new sphincter conservation technique; it uses a radial laser probe to “burn” the fistula to destroy its wall and granulation tissue and then compress and close it. FiLaC is a successful short- to medium-term sphincter conservation technique for treating anal fistulas. This procedure has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its high success rate and reduced recovery time.

Dr. Samrat Jankar, a well-known colorectal surgeon in Pune, specializes in complex fistula surgery. Dr. Samrat Jankar use the FiLaC Procedure for fisutla treatment to date, Dr. Jankar has performed more than 1000+ FiLaC procedures with excellent results.The laser procedure for fistula is a safe, relatively simple, minimally invasive, sphincter-saving procedure with a high chance of success.

What is FiLaC procedure?

FiLaC is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to treat anal fistulas. It involves using a laser to close the fistula tract. The laser energy heats the tissue around the fistula, causing it to seal off and heal. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and it typically takes less than 30 minutes.

When is the FiLaC procedure recommended?

Dr. Samrat Jankar recommended FiLaC (Fistula-tract Laser Closure) procedure for the treatment of complex anal fistulas. It is typically recommended in the following situations:
FiLaC Procedure

Dr. Samrat Jankar recommended FiLaC (Fistula-tract Laser Closure) procedure for the treatment of complex anal fistulas. It is typically recommended in the following situations:

  1. When other treatments, such as fistulotomy or seton placement, have failed or are not appropriate
  2. When the fistula tract is complex or has multiple branches
  3. When the fistula is located close to the anal sphincter muscles, making traditional surgery risky
  4. When the patient prefers a minimally invasive approach with less pain and a shorter recovery time

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if FiLaC is the right treatment option for a particular individual and their specific case of anal fistula.

How FiLaC procedure done?

FiLaC procedure steps The FiLaC procedure typically involves the following steps:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide or mythelene blue is injected from external opening to identify Internal opening of fistula.
  2. Fistula tract is debrided with curate.
  3. Through guide wire a plastic hollow 14F catheter is inserted in tract.
  4. Radial-emitting disposable laser fibre is inserted into the catheter with its tip emerging at the internal opening.
  5. Diaode LASER is used, fibre delivers laser energy homogenously and the tract is closed. Slowly it is withdrawn

Advantages of FiLaC:

FiLaC has several advantages over traditional surgical methods for treating anal fistulas:

  1. Minimally invasive: FiLaC is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed on an outpatient basis. This means that the patient can go home the same day, and the recovery time is typically much shorter than with traditional surgery.
  2. High success rate: FiLaC has a high success rate, with studies showing success rates of up to 90%. This is comparable to traditional surgical methods, but with fewer complications and a shorter recovery time.
  3. Reduced risk of incontinence: FiLaC is less likely to cause incontinence than traditional surgical methods. This is because it preserves the anal sphincter muscle, which is responsible for controlling bowel movements.
  4. No cutting or suturing: FiLaC does not involve cutting or suturing, which reduces the risk of infection and other complications.
  5. Cost-effective: FiLaC is a cost-effective alternative to traditional surgical methods. It requires fewer resources and can be performed in an outpatient setting, which reduces the cost of hospitalization.

Why Dr. Samrat Jankar is Best for LIFT Procedure Treatment in Pune, India?

  1. 13+ years of experience in treating the different fistula problem
  2. Have a successful track record in treating anal fistula problems
  3. Availability of customized treatments
  4. Advanced treatment techniques
  5. Latest treatment equipment
  6. Less recovery time after the surgery
  7. Affordable treatment procedures
  8. 100% guaranteed results
  9. Success rate more than 95%

If you are experiencing symptoms of an anal fistula, it is important to visit the best fistula specialist in Pune, India to determine the best treatment options for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fistula tracts smaller than 30 mm were associated with a primary healing rate of 58.3%, while fistula tracts larger than 30 mm healed only in 16.6% of cases. So, laser closure is safe. It is an effective treatment for transsphincteric anal fistula.

The success rate of FiLaC surgery varies depending on various factors such as the severity and complexity of the fistula. Dr. Samrat Jankar has the expert fistula specialist and Generally, the success rate of FiLaC surgery is reported to be around 80-95%. 

FiLaC surgery is minimally invasive and is generally considered to be less painful than traditional fistula surgeries. However, patients may experience some discomfort during the recovery period, including pain, swelling, and discharge.

The cost of fistula surgery in Pune India may vary between Rs. 35000 to Rs. 60000. This price variation is dependent on the various paramaters.

Do you have any questions related to fistula, then don’t hesitate to ask with our expert.? Do you need any help?

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Book your Fistula Treatment:

Book your Fistula Treatment with our best Fistula Surgeon in Pune, India. Dr. Samrat Jankar is qualified and expert fistula specialist in Pune at Kaizen Gastro Care, Pune offer trusted medical advice and expert private care for a wide range of digestive disorders, including Piles, Fissure, and Fistula. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Fistula specialist in Pune, India if you’re experiencing symptoms of Piles, Itching in the Ano region. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to request an appointment with the best Fistula specialist in Pune call 97 6363 5252