Kaizen Fistula Care


Fistulotomy is a surgical procedure that is commonly used to treat anal fistulas. It is a highly effective treatment option and is associated with a high success rate. Fistulotomy is usually recommended for simple anal fistulas that do not have a significant amount of tissue scarring or damage. Fistulotomy is a common and effective treatment option for many people suffering from anal fistulas, and it can be done using traditional surgical techniques or with the help of a laser. In this page, best fistula specialist in Pune, India, Dr. Samrat Jankar will discuss the details of the fistulotomy procedure, its benefits, risks, and recovery process.

What is Fistulotomy?

Fistulotomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the entire fistula tract, which is the tunnel that runs from the inner opening of the fistula to the outer opening. The procedure involves making a cut in the skin over the fistula and then cutting through the tissue until the fistula tract is completely removed. The wound is then left open to heal from the inside out. 

Fistulotomy is usually performed under general anesthesia, and patients are typically able to go home the same day as the procedure. The entire process typically takes about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the size and complexity of the fistula. Fistulotomy with Laser is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses a high-intensity laser beam to remove the fistula tract. It is a safe and effective alternative to traditional surgical techniques, and it offers several advantages over other treatment options.


Benefits of Fistulotomy:

There are several benefits to choosing fistulotomy as a treatment option for anal fistulas. These include:

  1. High success rate:  Fistulotomy has a high success rate and is effective in treating anal fistulas in the majority of cases.
  2. Short recovery time: Patients typically experience a short recovery time following fistulotomy, with most patients able to return to work within a week or two.
  3. Minimally invasive: Fistulotomy is a minimally invasive procedure, which means that it is less likely to cause scarring or other complications.
  4. Lower risk of recurrence: Because the entire fistula tract is removed during a fistulotomy, there is a lower risk of the fistula recurring in the future.

Recovery Process:

Following a fistulotomy, patients typically experience a short recovery time. Pain and discomfort are common in the first few days after the procedure, and patients are typically advised to avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for a few weeks. It is also important to keep the area clean and dry to help prevent infection. Patients are typically advised to take sitz baths several times a day to help keep the area clean and promote healing. Most patients are able to return to work within a week or two of the procedure, although this may vary depending on the type of work that they do. Full recovery typically takes several weeks.

If you are experiencing symptoms of an anal fistula, it is important to visit the best fistula specialist in Pune, India to determine the best treatment options for you.

Book your Fistula Treatment:

Book your Fistula Treatment with our best Fistula Doctor in Pune, India. Dr. Samrat Jankar is qualified and expert fistula surgeon in Pune, India at Kaizen Gastro Care, Pune offer trusted medical advice and expert private care for a wide range of digestive disorders, including Piles, Fissure, and Fistula. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Fistula specialist in Pune, India if you’re experiencing symptoms of Piles, Itching in the Ano region. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to request an appointment with the best Fistula specialist in Pune call 97 6363 5252

Frequently Asked Questions:

Laser fistulotomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses a laser to remove the fistula tract. The laser energy is directed through a small probe that is inserted into the fistula tract. The laser energy destroys the tissue along the path of the fistula, and the tract is eventually closed off by the body’s natural healing process.

Dr. Samrat Jankar Fistula Specialist Surgeon in Pune, India uses a LASER as an adjunct to Fistulectomy to minimize the risk of damage to the sphincter muscle. Thus, with the added advantage of Laser, the chances of post-operative pain will be negligible.

The approximate cost of the laser fistulotomy procedure in Pune, India ranges from the Rs 35,00 to Rs 80,000. The cost of laser fistulotomy procedure depends on various paramaters. 

Yes, laser treatment can be a good option for treating fistula. It is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a laser to cut through the tissue and seal the fistula tract. This results in less pain, bleeding, and scarring compared to traditional surgery. Laser treatment is also associated with a faster recovery time and lower risk of complications.

While the chances of a fistula recurring after laser surgery are low, there is still a small possibility that it may happen. This is because fistulas are complex structures and can have multiple branches, which can sometimes be difficult to completely remove.

Laser fistula surgery is generally less painful compared to traditional surgical procedures, such as open fistulotomy. This is because laser surgery is less invasive and causes less damage to the surrounding tissues, resulting in a faster and more complete healing process. Patients may experience some mild to moderate pain, swelling, and bruising around the surgical site.


The success rate of laser fistulectomy varies depending on the individual case and the experience of the surgeon. The Sucess rate of Dr. Samrat Jankar is nearly 95% to 99%. 

Yes, fistula can be cured permanently with appropriate treatment. The success rate of treatment depends on various factors such as the type and location of the fistula

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Know Our Experts

Dr. Samrat Jankar is one of the most expert reliable and ethical fistula specialists in Pune India. He is a qualified surgical gastroenterologist and colorectal surgeon and had been awarded a gold medal for fellowship in colorectal surgery by the ACRISI (Association of Colon & Rectal Surgeons of India) board. Furthermore, he has been an international faculty member in this field. Recently, he has been awarded the First Prize for the best video presentation at FISTULACON 2021 for the LASER LIFT procedure in complex fistula in Ano in an international summit organized by ACRSI. He delivered talks on fistula at many national and international conferences and had a live demonstration of fistula surgery at many conferences. He had trained many surgeons for LASER fistula surgery. Dr. Samrat Janakr had been trained for complex fistula in ano surgery under renowned fistula surgeons Dr. Parvez Sheikh (Mumbai) and Dr. Arun Rajunasakul (Bangkok). He is an expert in many surgical procedures for fistula treatment and also pioneered his surgical technique PILTEC for complex fistula treatment which has the highest success rate. Dr. Samrat Jankar had successfully Performed more than 5000+ successful Anal Fistula Surgeries.