Kaizen Fistula Care

The Role of LIFT Procedure in Complex Anal Fistula Cases

Anal fistulas are a challenging and often debilitating disorder that affects many people. They can significantly affect a patient’s quality of life, causing pain, and discomfort, and sometimes leading to more severe complications.

At Kaizen Fistula Care Clinic, we specialize in the latest and most effective treatments for anal fistulas, including the LIFT (Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula Tract) procedure. Dr. Samrat Jankar, a leading fistula surgeon in Pune, provides insights into the role of the LIFT procedure in managing complex anal fistula cases.

Understanding Anal Fistulas:

An anal fistula is an uncommon connection between the epithelialized surface of the anal canal and the perianal skin. It usually results from an anal gland infection that has grown into an abscess. When this abscess fails to heal properly, it can form a fistula. Anal fistulas are classified into simple and complex types based on their anatomy and involvement with the anal sphincter muscles.

Challenges in Treating Complex Anal Fistulas:

Complex anal fistulas, usually involving multiple tracts and significant sphincter involvement, pose a greater challenge in treatment. Conventional surgical methods may risk damaging the sphincter muscles, leading to incontinence. This is where the LIFT procedure stands out as a preferable option.

What is the LIFT Procedure?

The LIFT procedure is a minimally invasive surgical technique specifically developed to treat complex anal fistulas while preserving the anal sphincter muscles. It involves the following steps:

  1. Identification of the Fistula Tract: An incision is made in the intersphincteric tract to access the fistula tract.
  2. Dissection and Ligation: The tract is carefully dissected, ligated, and divided to destroy the fistula.
  3. Closure and Healing: The external and internal openings are closed, encouraging healing without compromising sphincter integrity.

Advantages of the LIFT Procedure:

Dr. Samrat Jankar highlights several benefits of the LIFT procedure, making it an excellent choice for managing complex anal fistulas:

  1. Minimally Invasive: The LIFT technique involves less tissue disruption compared to traditional methods, leading to quicker recovery and less postoperative pain.
  2. Sphincter Preservation: By avoiding extensive cutting of the sphincter muscles, the risk of incontinence is significantly reduced.
  3. High Success Rate: Clinical studies have indicated a high success rate with low recurrence, even in complex cases.
  4. Outpatient Procedure: The LIFT procedure is often performed on an outpatient basis, allowing patients to return home the same day.

Dr. Samrat Jankar's Expertise:

Dr. Samrat Jankar, a renowned colorectal surgeon at Kaizen Fistula Care Clinic, has extensive experience in treating complex anal fistulas using advanced techniques like the LIFT procedure. Dr. Jankar’s expertise in the LIFT procedure ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care. His approach integrates advanced surgical techniques with compassionate patient care, aiming to achieve the best possible outcomes for each person.

At Kaizen Fistula Care Clinic, patients benefit from:

  1. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Equipped with the latest medical technology, the clinic provides cutting-edge treatments in a comfortable and safe environment.
  2. Multidisciplinary Approach: The clinic employs a team of specialists who collaborate to develop comprehensive treatment plans for optimal outcomes.
  3. Patient Education and Support: Dr. Jankar and his team prioritize patient education, confirming that patients are well-informed about their condition and treatment options.


The LIFT procedure represents a significant advance in the treatment of complex anal fistulas. Its ability to preserve sphincter function while effectively resolving the fistula makes it an ideal option for many patients.

At Kaizen Fistula Care Clinic, under the expert guidance of Dr. Samrat Jankar, patients can expect comprehensive care and optimal outcomes.

If you or someone you know is struggling with an anal fistula, consider consulting with Dr. Samrat Jankar at Kaizen Fistula Care Clinic to explore the benefits of the LIFT procedure.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, please visit our website or contact us at [9763635252].

By choosing the LIFT procedure at Kaizen Fistula Care Clinic, you are opting for a path toward healing with expert care and state-of-the-art medical solutions. Let us help you recover your health and well-being.