Kaizen Fistula Care

11 Tips to Avoid Recurrence of Perianal Abscess

Are you suffering from a perianal abscess that is coming back again and again?

Kaizen Fistula Care, the top fistula treatment clinic in Pune, Maharashtra, is here to help you.

A perianal abscess, a type of anorectal abscess is a painful collection of pus near the anus, usually caused by an infection in the anal glands or nearby tissues.

Dealing with perianal abscesses can be a painful and frustrating experience. However, with the right approach to care and prevention, you can significantly lower the chances of recurrence.

Unfortunately, despite the right treatment and complete healing perianal abscess can come back. If an abscess comes back it needs prompt medical attention. Moreover, a recurrent perianal abscess can lead to anal fistula, sepsis, faecal incontinence, and septicemia.

Therefore, it is vital to avoid recurrent perianal abscesses and get rid of life-threatening infections. So, the experts of fistula treatment at Kaizen Fistula Care outlined some essential tips to help you avoid the recurrence of perianal abscesses and maintain optimal fistula health.

11 Tips to Avoid Recurrence of Perianal Abscess:

  1. Maintain Good Hygiene: Proper hygiene in the anal area is crucial for preventing infection and recurrence of abscesses. This contains regular washing with mild soap and water after bowel movements, and maintaining the area clean and dry throughout the day.
  2. Follow a High-Fiber Diet: Consuming a diet high in fiber can aid regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation. Constipation can improve the risk of developing perianal abscesses by putting pressure on the anal area and causing irritation. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are amazing sources of fiber.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Drinking a good amount of water is crucial for keeping bowel regularity and preventing constipation. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, or more if you’re physically active or live in a hot atmosphere. Proper hydration helps to keep the stool soft and easy to pass, lowering the risk of anal trauma and abscess formation.
  4. Avoid Straining During Bowel Movements: Straining during bowel movements can put excessive stress on the anal area, leading to irritation and potential abscess formation. To avoid straining, ensure your diet is high in fiber, and consider using stool softeners if required.
  5. Sitz Bath: A sitz bath is washing the anal area in a tub of warm water for 15-20 minutes several times a day. This helps cleanse the anal area, enhance blood flow, relieve pain, and promote healing of anorectal abscess and fistula in ano.
  6. Practice Proper Wound Care: If you’ve undergone surgery for a perianal abscess or fistula, active wound care is crucial for preventing infection and promoting healing. Follow Dr. Samrat Jankar’s instructions about dressing changes, wound cleansing, and any prescribed medicines. Avoid disrupting the healing process by refraining from energetic physical activities or excessive strain on the affected area.
  7. Stay Active: Regular physical activity can help sustain overall health and stimulate proper bowel function. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise. Exercise can also help relieve stress, which can be a contributing factor to gastrointestinal problems.
  8. Avoid Tobacco and Limit Alcohol: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can damage the body’s immune system and boost the risk of infection. Avoiding tobacco and limiting alcohol intake can help keep overall health and reduce the likelihood of perianal abscess recurrence.
  9. Manage Chronic Conditions: Certain medical conditions such as Crohn’s disease, diabetes, or immunodeficiency disorders can predispose people to perianal abscesses. Proper management of these disorders through medication, lifestyle modifications, and regular medical monitoring is essential for reducing the risk of recurrence.
  10. Seek Regular Medical Follow-Up: Routine follow-up appointments with a surgeon are essential for monitoring your perianal fistula and adjusting treatment as required. During these visits, Dr. Samrat Jankar can assess the healing progress, address any concerns or complications, and provide guidance on preventive measures to reduce the risk of abscess recurrence. Follow their advice closely to optimize your outcomes and prevent future flare-ups.
  11. Seek Prompt Medical Attention: If you notice any symptoms of a perianal abscess, such as pain, swelling, redness, or drainage in the anal area, don’t hesitate to seek medical attention. Prompt treatment can help prevent complications and reduce the chance of recurrence. Dr. Samrat Jankar can diagnose the abscess and suggest appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics, drainage, or surgical intervention.


By implementing these tips from Kaizen Fistula Care, you can take proactive steps to prevent the recurrence of perianal abscesses and promote overall anal health.

Remember to prioritize personal hygiene, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and seek medical advice when needed– says Dr. Samrat Jankar, the Fistula Surgeon in Pune.

With consistent effort and attention to preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of abscess formation and enjoy a better quality of life.